
Teach your children to look at you when you talk to them

This seems pretty obvious but some parents don’t do it. As a result the child may never learn to make eye contact with anyone and this will lead to mental illness such as schizophrenia and autism. By the time they’re adults, it’s too late to teach this skill: eye contact is simply too uncomfortable and is avoided at all costs.


Beware Mental Illness Helplines

These services are run by the government and their incentive is to create more mental illness and suicide so they can hyperventilate about it and get more funding. You are far more valuable to them as a statistic. They prey on vulnerable people.



As autistic people we struggle. So the government should help us. Instead they exploit us (make us work and pay taxes and otherwise drive us crazy). I don’t get why we’re so eager to help others – who will just attack us online all day. Socialism won’t alleviate this problem. In fact it will make it worse.


The point of bullying

When people bully us, is it to punish us for our behavior (not making eye contact) or is it to instigate us to act out in revenge? Many of the past mass shooters were obviously bullied for their autistic traits and acted out in violence. Was that the purpose of the bullying? It seems so unfair – to instigate vulnerable people to violence or self destruction (mental illness). It’s a game that the whole world plays and it’s great fun to them. And great fun to deny it and call us ‘crazy’ and ply drugs.


Common misconceptions

Children should never be forced to make eye contact. That is abuse. However they should gently but firmly be reminded if they are not doing it.


The purpose of eye contact

Eye contact expresses many things all at once:


Self stigmatizing behavior

These behaviors compensate for impaired eye contact and are the typical symptoms of ‘mental illness’:


Things people do if you don’t look at them

Here are the things people will do to you if you don’t look at them when you talk with them:


Mental illness is caused by relentless bullying

If everyone despises you, ignores you, attacks you and betrays you, then of course that will cause anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, addiction, autism and other mental illnesses. But people are loathe to admit they are being bullied, even to themselves. The result is that this dynamic is under-reported and people are easily persuaded of other causes.


Eye contact is fundamental

Children must be reminded, gently but firmly, to look at people when they talk to them. This lesson must not be forced – that’s abuse. Children should also not be singled out for ‘treatment’ as it is stigmatizing. (I heard of a case where a father demanded his son record the eye color of each child in the class – that is wrong.) Nevertheless, children must be reminded to look at people if they are not doing it. Our failure to teach eye contact results in mental illness, drug addiction, homelessness, suicide and other scourges.